00036 #include "OW_config.h"
00037 #include "OW_HDB.hpp"
00038 #include "OW_AutoPtr.hpp"
00039 #include "OW_Format.hpp"
00040 #if defined(OW_HAVE_ISTREAM) && defined(OW_HAVE_OSTREAM)
00041 #include <istream>
00042 #include <ostream>
00043 #else
00044 #include <iostream>
00045 #endif
00046 #include <cstring>
00048 extern "C"
00049 {
00050 #include <errno.h>
00051 }
00053 namespace OW_NAMESPACE
00054 {
00056 static UInt32 calcCheckSum(unsigned char* src, Int32 len);
00058 HDB::HDB() :
00059 m_hdrBlock(), m_fileName(), m_version(0), m_hdlCount(0),
00060 m_opened(false), m_pindex(NULL), m_indexGuard(), m_guard()
00061 {
00062 }
00064 HDB::~HDB()
00065 {
00066 try
00067 {
00068 if (m_hdlCount > 0)
00069 {
00071 }
00072 close();
00073 }
00074 catch (...)
00075 {
00077 }
00078 }
00080 void
00081 HDB::close()
00082 {
00083 if (m_opened)
00084 {
00085 m_pindex->close();
00086 m_pindex = 0;
00087 m_opened = false;
00088 m_lockFile.unlock();
00089 m_lockFile.close();
00090 }
00091 }
00093 void
00094 HDB::open(const char* fileName)
00095 {
00096 MutexLock l(m_guard);
00097 if (m_opened)
00098 {
00099 return;
00100 }
00101 m_hdlCount = 0;
00102 m_version = 0;
00103 m_fileName = fileName;
00105 String lockFilename = m_fileName + ".lock";
00106 m_lockFile = FileSystem::openOrCreateFile(lockFilename);
00107 if (!m_lockFile)
00108 {
00109 OW_THROW(HDBException,
00110 Format("Unable to open or create lock: %1, errno: %2(%3)",
00111 lockFilename, errno, strerror(errno)).c_str());
00112 }
00115 if (m_lockFile.tryLock() == -1)
00116 {
00117 OW_THROW(HDBException,
00118 Format("Unable to lock HDB, verify it's not in use: %1, errno: %2(%3)",
00119 lockFilename, errno, strerror(errno)).c_str());
00120 }
00122 String fname = m_fileName + ".dat";
00123 createFile();
00124 checkFile();
00125 m_fileName = fname;
00126 m_opened = true;
00127 }
00129 bool
00130 HDB::createFile()
00131 {
00132 HDBHeaderBlock b = { OW_HDBSIGNATURE, HDBVERSION, -1L, -1L, -1L };
00133 m_hdrBlock = b;
00134 File f = FileSystem::createFile(m_fileName + ".dat");
00135 if (!f)
00136 {
00137 return false;
00138 }
00139 if (f.write(&m_hdrBlock, sizeof(m_hdrBlock), 0) != sizeof(m_hdrBlock))
00140 {
00141 f.close();
00142 OW_THROW(HDBException, "Failed to write header of HDB");
00143 }
00144 f.close();
00146 m_pindex = Index::createIndexObject();
00147 m_pindex->open(m_fileName.c_str());
00148 return true;
00149 }
00151 void
00152 HDB::checkFile()
00153 {
00154 File f = FileSystem::openFile(m_fileName + ".dat");
00155 if (!f)
00156 {
00157 String msg("Failed to open file: ");
00158 msg += m_fileName;
00159 OW_THROW(HDBException, msg.c_str());
00160 }
00161 if (f.read(&m_hdrBlock, sizeof(m_hdrBlock), 0) != sizeof(m_hdrBlock))
00162 {
00163 f.close();
00164 String msg("Failed to read HDB header from file: ");
00165 msg += m_fileName;
00166 OW_THROW(HDBException, msg.c_str());
00167 }
00168 f.close();
00169 if (::strncmp(m_hdrBlock.signature, OW_HDBSIGNATURE, HDBSIGLEN))
00170 {
00171 String msg("Invalid Format for HDB file: ");
00172 msg += m_fileName;
00173 OW_THROW(HDBException, msg.c_str());
00174 }
00175 if (m_hdrBlock.version < MinHDBVERSION || m_hdrBlock.version > HDBVERSION)
00176 {
00177 OW_THROW(HDBException, Format("Invalid version (%1) for file (%2). Expected (%3)", m_hdrBlock.version, m_fileName, HDBVERSION).c_str());
00178 }
00179 m_pindex = Index::createIndexObject();
00180 m_pindex->open(m_fileName.c_str());
00181 }
00183 Int32
00184 HDB::incVersion()
00185 {
00186 MutexLock l(m_guard);
00187 m_version++;
00188 return m_version;
00189 }
00191 HDBHandle
00192 HDB::getHandle()
00193 {
00194 MutexLock l(m_guard);
00195 if (!m_opened)
00196 {
00197 OW_THROW(HDBException, "Can't get handle from closed HDB");
00198 }
00199 const File& file = FileSystem::openFile(m_fileName);
00200 if (!file)
00201 {
00202 return HDBHandle();
00203 }
00204 m_hdlCount++;
00205 return HDBHandle(this, file);
00206 }
00208 void
00209 HDB::decHandleCount()
00210 {
00211 MutexLock l(m_guard);
00212 m_hdlCount--;
00213 }
00215 void
00216 HDB::setOffsets(File& file, Int32 firstRootOffset, Int32 lastRootOffset,
00217 Int32 firstFreeOffset)
00218 {
00219 MutexLock l(m_guard);
00220 m_hdrBlock.firstRoot = firstRootOffset;
00221 m_hdrBlock.lastRoot = lastRootOffset;
00222 m_hdrBlock.firstFree = firstFreeOffset;
00223 if (file.write(&m_hdrBlock, sizeof(m_hdrBlock), 0) != sizeof(m_hdrBlock))
00224 {
00225 OW_THROW(HDBException, "Failed to update offset on HDB");
00226 }
00227 }
00229 void
00230 HDB::setFirstRootOffSet(File& file, Int32 offset)
00231 {
00232 setOffsets(file, offset, m_hdrBlock.lastRoot, m_hdrBlock.firstFree);
00233 }
00235 void
00236 HDB::setLastRootOffset(File& file, Int32 offset)
00237 {
00238 setOffsets(file, m_hdrBlock.firstRoot, offset, m_hdrBlock.firstFree);
00239 }
00241 void
00242 HDB::setFirstFreeOffSet(File& file, Int32 offset)
00243 {
00244 setOffsets(file, m_hdrBlock.firstRoot, m_hdrBlock.lastRoot, offset);
00245 }
00250 Int32
00251 HDB::findBlock(File& file, Int32 size)
00252 {
00253 MutexLock l(m_guard);
00254 Int32 offset = -1;
00255 HDBBlock fblk;
00258 if (m_hdrBlock.firstFree != -1)
00259 {
00260 Int32 coffset = m_hdrBlock.firstFree;
00261 while (true)
00262 {
00263 readBlock(fblk, file, coffset);
00267 if (fblk.size >= static_cast<UInt32>(size))
00268 {
00269 offset = coffset;
00270 break;
00271 }
00272 if ((coffset = fblk.nextSib) == -1L)
00273 {
00274 break;
00275 }
00276 }
00277 }
00280 if (offset != -1)
00281 {
00283 removeBlockFromFreeList(file, fblk);
00284 }
00285 else
00286 {
00289 if (file.seek(0L, SEEK_END) == -1L)
00290 {
00291 OW_THROW(HDBException, "Failed to seek to end of file");
00292 }
00293 if ((offset = file.tell()) == -1L)
00294 {
00295 OW_THROW(HDBException, "Failed to get offset in file");
00296 }
00297 }
00298 return offset;
00299 }
00301 void
00302 HDB::removeBlockFromFreeList(File& file, HDBBlock& fblk)
00303 {
00304 MutexLock l(m_guard);
00305 HDBBlock cblk;
00308 if (fblk.nextSib != -1)
00309 {
00310 readBlock(cblk, file, fblk.nextSib);
00311 cblk.prevSib = fblk.prevSib;
00312 writeBlock(cblk, file, fblk.nextSib);
00313 }
00316 if (fblk.prevSib != -1)
00317 {
00318 readBlock(cblk, file, fblk.prevSib);
00319 cblk.nextSib = fblk.nextSib;
00320 writeBlock(cblk, file, fblk.prevSib);
00321 }
00322 else
00323 {
00326 if (m_hdrBlock.firstFree != -1)
00327 {
00328 setFirstFreeOffSet(file, fblk.nextSib);
00329 }
00330 }
00331 }
00334 void
00335 HDB::addBlockToFreeList(File& file, const HDBBlock& parmblk,
00336 Int32 offset)
00337 {
00338 MutexLock l(m_guard);
00339 HDBBlock fblk = parmblk;
00340 fblk.isFree = true;
00342 if (m_hdrBlock.firstFree == -1)
00343 {
00344 fblk.nextSib = -1;
00345 fblk.prevSib = -1;
00346 writeBlock(fblk, file, offset);
00347 setFirstFreeOffSet(file, offset);
00348 return;
00349 }
00350 HDBBlock cblk;
00351 cblk.size = 0;
00352 Int32 coffset = m_hdrBlock.firstFree;
00353 Int32 loffset = 0;
00355 while (coffset != -1)
00356 {
00357 loffset = coffset;
00358 readBlock(cblk, file, coffset);
00359 if (fblk.size <= cblk.size)
00360 {
00361 break;
00362 }
00363 coffset = cblk.nextSib;
00364 }
00365 if (coffset == -1)
00366 {
00367 cblk.nextSib = offset;
00368 writeBlock(cblk, file, loffset);
00369 fblk.prevSib = loffset;
00370 fblk.nextSib = -1;
00371 writeBlock(fblk, file, offset);
00372 }
00373 else
00374 {
00375 if (cblk.prevSib == -1)
00376 {
00377 setFirstFreeOffSet(file, offset);
00378 }
00379 else
00380 {
00383 HDBBlock tblk;
00384 readBlock(tblk, file, cblk.prevSib);
00385 tblk.nextSib = offset;
00386 writeBlock(tblk, file, cblk.prevSib);
00387 }
00388 fblk.nextSib = coffset;
00389 fblk.prevSib = cblk.prevSib;
00390 writeBlock(fblk, file, offset);
00392 cblk.prevSib = offset;
00393 writeBlock(cblk, file, coffset);
00394 }
00395 }
00400 void
00401 HDB::addRootNode(File& file, HDBBlock& fblk, Int32 offset)
00402 {
00403 MutexLock l(m_guard);
00404 fblk.parent = -1;
00405 fblk.nextSib = -1;
00406 if (m_hdrBlock.firstRoot == -1)
00407 {
00408 setOffsets(file, offset, offset, m_hdrBlock.firstFree);
00409 fblk.prevSib = -1;
00410 }
00411 else
00412 {
00413 fblk.prevSib = m_hdrBlock.lastRoot;
00414 HDBBlock cblk;
00415 readBlock(cblk, file, m_hdrBlock.lastRoot);
00416 cblk.nextSib = offset;
00417 writeBlock(cblk, file, m_hdrBlock.lastRoot);
00418 setLastRootOffset(file, offset);
00419 }
00420 writeBlock(fblk, file, offset);
00421 }
00424 void
00425 HDB::writeBlock(HDBBlock& fblk, File& file, Int32 offset)
00426 {
00427 fblk.chkSum = 0;
00428 UInt32 chkSum = calcCheckSum(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&fblk), sizeof(fblk));
00429 fblk.chkSum = chkSum;
00430 int cc = file.write(&fblk, sizeof(fblk), offset);
00431 if (cc != sizeof(fblk))
00432 {
00433 OW_THROW(HDBException, "Failed to write block");
00434 }
00435 }
00438 void
00439 HDB::readBlock(HDBBlock& fblk, const File& file, Int32 offset)
00440 {
00441 int cc = file.read(&fblk, sizeof(fblk), offset);
00442 if (cc != sizeof(fblk))
00443 {
00444 OW_THROW(HDBException, "Failed to read block");
00445 }
00446 UInt32 chkSum = fblk.chkSum;
00447 fblk.chkSum = 0;
00448 fblk.chkSum = calcCheckSum(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&fblk), sizeof(fblk));
00449 if (chkSum != fblk.chkSum)
00450 {
00451 OW_THROW(HDBException, "CORRUPT DATA? Invalid check sum in node");
00452 }
00453 }
00455 IndexEntry
00456 HDB::findFirstIndexEntry(const char* key)
00457 {
00458 if (!m_opened)
00459 {
00460 OW_THROW(HDBException, "HDB is not opened");
00461 }
00462 MutexLock il(m_indexGuard);
00463 return m_pindex->findFirst(key);
00464 }
00466 IndexEntry
00467 HDB::findNextIndexEntry()
00468 {
00469 if (!m_opened)
00470 {
00471 OW_THROW(HDBException, "HDB is not opened");
00472 }
00473 MutexLock il(m_indexGuard);
00474 return m_pindex->findNext();
00475 }
00477 IndexEntry
00478 HDB::findPrevIndexEntry()
00479 {
00480 if (!m_opened)
00481 {
00482 OW_THROW(HDBException, "HDB is not opened");
00483 }
00484 MutexLock il(m_indexGuard);
00485 return m_pindex->findPrev();
00486 }
00488 IndexEntry
00489 HDB::findIndexEntry(const char* key)
00490 {
00491 if (!m_opened)
00492 {
00493 OW_THROW(HDBException, "HDB is not opened");
00494 }
00495 MutexLock il(m_indexGuard);
00496 return m_pindex->find(key);
00497 }
00499 bool
00500 HDB::addIndexEntry(const char* key, Int32 offset)
00501 {
00502 if (!m_opened)
00503 {
00504 OW_THROW(HDBException, "HDB is not opened");
00505 }
00506 MutexLock il(m_indexGuard);
00507 return m_pindex->add(key, offset);
00508 }
00510 bool
00511 HDB::removeIndexEntry(const char* key)
00512 {
00513 if (!m_opened)
00514 {
00515 OW_THROW(HDBException, "HDB is not opened");
00516 }
00517 MutexLock il(m_indexGuard);
00518 return m_pindex->remove(key);
00519 }
00521 bool
00522 HDB::updateIndexEntry(const char* key, Int32 newOffset)
00523 {
00524 if (!m_opened)
00525 {
00526 OW_THROW(HDBException, "HDB is not opened");
00527 }
00528 MutexLock il(m_indexGuard);
00529 return m_pindex->update(key, newOffset);
00530 }
00532 void
00533 HDB::flushIndex()
00534 {
00535 if (m_opened)
00536 {
00537 MutexLock il(m_indexGuard);
00538 m_pindex->flush();
00539 }
00540 }
00542 static UInt32
00543 calcCheckSum(unsigned char* src, Int32 len)
00544 {
00545 UInt32 cksum = 0;
00546 Int32 i;
00547 for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
00548 {
00549 cksum += src[i];
00550 }
00551 return cksum;
00552 }
00555 HDBHandle::HDBHandleData::~HDBHandleData()
00556 {
00557 try
00558 {
00559 m_file.close();
00560 m_pdb->decHandleCount();
00561 }
00562 catch (...)
00563 {
00565 }
00566 }
00568 HDBHandle::HDBHandle() :
00569 m_pdata(NULL)
00570 {
00571 }
00573 HDBHandle::HDBHandle(HDB* pdb, const File& file) :
00574 m_pdata(new HDBHandleData(pdb, file))
00575 {
00576 }
00578 Int32
00579 HDBHandle::registerWrite()
00580 {
00581 m_pdata->m_writeDone = true;
00582 return m_pdata->m_pdb->incVersion();
00583 }
00585 void
00586 HDBHandle::flush()
00587 {
00588 if (m_pdata->m_writeDone)
00589 {
00590 m_pdata->m_pdb->flushIndex();
00591 m_pdata->m_file.flush();
00592 m_pdata->m_writeDone = false;
00593 }
00594 }
00596 HDBNode
00597 HDBHandle::getFirstRoot()
00598 {
00599 if (m_pdata->m_pdb->getFirstRootOffSet() > 0)
00600 {
00601 return HDBNode(m_pdata->m_pdb->getFirstRootOffSet(), *this);
00602 }
00603 return HDBNode();
00604 }
00606 HDBNode
00607 HDBHandle::getNode(const String& key)
00608 {
00609 if (!key.empty())
00610 {
00611 return HDBNode(key.c_str(), *this);
00612 }
00613 return HDBNode();
00614 }
00616 HDBNode
00617 HDBHandle::getParent(HDBNode& node)
00618 {
00619 if (node)
00620 {
00621 if (node.reload(*this))
00622 {
00623 if (node.getParentOffset() > 0)
00624 {
00625 return HDBNode(node.getParentOffset(), *this);
00626 }
00627 }
00628 }
00629 return HDBNode();
00630 }
00632 HDBNode
00633 HDBHandle::getFirstChild(HDBNode& node)
00634 {
00635 if (node)
00636 {
00637 if (node.reload(*this))
00638 {
00639 if (node.getFirstChildOffset() > 0)
00640 {
00641 return HDBNode(node.getFirstChildOffset(), *this);
00642 }
00643 }
00644 }
00645 return HDBNode();
00646 }
00648 HDBNode
00649 HDBHandle::getLastChild(HDBNode& node)
00650 {
00651 if (node)
00652 {
00653 if (node.reload(*this))
00654 {
00655 if (node.getLastChildOffset() > 0)
00656 {
00657 return HDBNode(node.getLastChildOffset(), *this);
00658 }
00659 }
00660 }
00661 return HDBNode();
00662 }
00664 HDBNode
00665 HDBHandle::getNextSibling(HDBNode& node)
00666 {
00667 if (node)
00668 {
00669 if (node.reload(*this))
00670 {
00671 if (node.getNextSiblingOffset() > 0)
00672 {
00673 return HDBNode(node.getNextSiblingOffset(), *this);
00674 }
00675 }
00676 }
00677 return HDBNode();
00678 }
00680 HDBNode
00681 HDBHandle::getPrevSibling(HDBNode& node)
00682 {
00683 if (node)
00684 {
00685 if (node.reload(*this))
00686 {
00687 if (node.getPrevSiblingOffset() > 0)
00688 {
00689 return HDBNode(node.getPrevSiblingOffset(), *this);
00690 }
00691 }
00692 }
00693 return HDBNode();
00694 }
00696 bool
00697 HDBHandle::addRootNode(HDBNode& node)
00698 {
00699 bool cc = false;
00700 if (node)
00701 {
00702 if (node.getOffset() > 0)
00703 {
00704 OW_THROW(HDBException, "node is already on file");
00705 }
00706 if (m_pdata->m_pdb->findIndexEntry(node.getKey().c_str()))
00707 {
00708 OW_THROW(HDBException, "key for node is already in index");
00709 }
00710 node.write(*this);
00711 cc = true;
00712 }
00713 return cc;
00714 }
00716 bool
00717 HDBHandle::addChild(HDBNode& parentNode, HDBNode& childNode)
00718 {
00719 bool cc = false;
00720 if (parentNode && childNode)
00721 {
00722 if (childNode.getOffset() > 0)
00723 {
00724 OW_THROW(HDBException, "child node already has a parent");
00725 }
00726 if (parentNode.getOffset() <= 0)
00727 {
00728 OW_THROW(HDBException, "parent node is not on file");
00729 }
00730 if (m_pdata->m_pdb->findIndexEntry(childNode.getKey().c_str()))
00731 {
00732 OW_THROW(HDBException, "key for node is already in index");
00733 }
00734 if (parentNode.reload(*this))
00735 {
00736 parentNode.addChild(*this, childNode);
00737 cc = true;
00738 }
00739 }
00740 return cc;
00741 }
00743 bool
00744 HDBHandle::addChild(const String& parentKey, HDBNode& childNode)
00745 {
00746 if (parentKey.empty())
00747 {
00748 return false;
00749 }
00750 HDBNode pnode = HDBNode(parentKey.c_str(), *this);
00751 if (pnode)
00752 {
00753 return addChild(pnode, childNode);
00754 }
00755 return false;
00756 }
00758 bool
00759 HDBHandle::removeNode(HDBNode& node)
00760 {
00761 bool cc = false;
00762 if (node && node.getOffset() > 0)
00763 {
00764 if (node.reload(*this))
00765 {
00766 node.remove(*this);
00767 cc = true;
00768 }
00769 }
00770 return cc;
00771 }
00773 bool
00774 HDBHandle::removeNode(const String& key)
00775 {
00776 bool cc = false;
00777 if (!key.empty())
00778 {
00779 HDBNode node(key.c_str(), *this);
00780 if (node)
00781 {
00782 node.remove(*this);
00783 }
00784 cc = true;
00785 }
00786 return cc;
00787 }
00789 bool
00790 HDBHandle::updateNode(HDBNode& node, Int32 dataLen, const unsigned char* data)
00791 {
00792 bool cc = false;
00793 if (node)
00794 {
00796 if (node.getOffset() > 0)
00797 {
00798 if (node.reload(*this))
00799 {
00800 node.updateData(*this, dataLen, data);
00801 cc = true;
00802 }
00803 }
00804 else
00805 {
00807 node.updateData(*this, dataLen, data);
00808 cc = true;
00809 }
00810 }
00811 return cc;
00812 }
00814 void
00815 HDBHandle::turnFlagsOn(HDBNode& node, UInt32 flags)
00816 {
00817 if (node)
00818 {
00819 if (node.getOffset() > 0)
00820 {
00821 if (node.reload(*this))
00822 {
00823 node.turnFlagsOn(*this, flags);
00824 }
00825 }
00826 else
00827 {
00828 node.turnFlagsOn(*this, flags);
00829 }
00830 }
00831 }
00833 void
00834 HDBHandle::turnFlagsOff(HDBNode& node, UInt32 flags)
00835 {
00836 if (node)
00837 {
00838 if (node.getOffset() > 0)
00839 {
00840 if (node.reload(*this))
00841 {
00842 node.turnFlagsOff(*this, flags);
00843 }
00844 }
00845 else
00846 {
00847 node.turnFlagsOff(*this, flags);
00848 }
00849 }
00850 }
00852 IndexEntry
00853 HDBHandle::findFirstIndexEntry(const char* key)
00854 {
00855 return m_pdata->m_pdb->findFirstIndexEntry(key);
00856 }
00858 IndexEntry
00859 HDBHandle::findNextIndexEntry()
00860 {
00861 return m_pdata->m_pdb->findNextIndexEntry();
00862 }
00864 IndexEntry
00865 HDBHandle::findPrevIndexEntry()
00866 {
00867 return m_pdata->m_pdb->findPrevIndexEntry();
00868 }
00870 IndexEntry
00871 HDBHandle::findIndexEntry(const char* key)
00872 {
00873 return m_pdata->m_pdb->findIndexEntry(key);
00874 }
00876 bool
00877 HDBHandle::addIndexEntry(const char* key, Int32 offset)
00878 {
00879 return m_pdata->m_pdb->addIndexEntry(key, offset);
00880 }
00882 bool
00883 HDBHandle::removeIndexEntry(const char* key)
00884 {
00885 return m_pdata->m_pdb->removeIndexEntry(key);
00886 }
00888 bool
00889 HDBHandle::updateIndexEntry(const char* key, Int32 newOffset)
00890 {
00891 return m_pdata->m_pdb->updateIndexEntry(key, newOffset);
00892 }
00894 }