00036 #include "OW_config.h"
00037 #include "OW_Index.hpp"
00038 #include "OW_FileSystem.hpp"
00039 #include "OW_Exception.hpp"
00040 #include "OW_Format.hpp"
00041 #include "OW_ExceptionIds.hpp"
00043 extern "C"
00044 {
00045 #ifndef OW_WIN32
00046 #include <unistd.h>
00047 #endif
00048 #include <string.h>
00049 #include <sys/types.h>
00050 #include <sys/stat.h>
00051 #include <fcntl.h>
00052 #include <errno.h>
00053 #include "db.h"
00054 }
00056 extern "C" {
00057 static int recCompare(const DBT* key1, const DBT* key2);
00058 }
00060 namespace OW_NAMESPACE
00061 {
00067 class IndexImpl : public Index
00068 {
00069 public:
00070 IndexImpl();
00071 virtual ~IndexImpl();
00072 virtual void open(const char* fileName, EDuplicateKeysFlag allowDuplicates = E_NO_DUPLICATES);
00073 virtual void close();
00074 virtual IndexEntry findFirst(const char* key=NULL);
00075 virtual IndexEntry findNext();
00076 virtual IndexEntry findPrev();
00077 virtual IndexEntry find(const char* key);
00078 virtual bool add(const char* key, Int32 offset);
00079 virtual bool remove(const char* key, Int32 offset=-1L);
00080 virtual bool update(const char* key, Int32 newOffset);
00081 virtual void flush();
00082 void reopen();
00083 void openIfClosed();
00084 private:
00085 DB* m_pDB;
00086 String m_dbFileName;
00087 };
00090 IndexRef
00091 Index::createIndexObject()
00092 {
00093 return IndexRef(new IndexImpl);
00094 }
00096 IndexImpl::IndexImpl() :
00097 m_pDB(NULL), m_dbFileName()
00098 {
00099 }
00101 IndexImpl::~IndexImpl()
00102 {
00103 try
00104 {
00105 close();
00106 }
00107 catch (...)
00108 {
00110 }
00111 }
00113 void
00114 IndexImpl::open(const char* fileName, EDuplicateKeysFlag allowDuplicates)
00115 {
00116 close();
00117 BTREEINFO dbinfo;
00118 m_dbFileName = fileName;
00119 m_dbFileName += ".ndx";
00120 ::memset(&dbinfo, 0, sizeof(dbinfo));
00121 dbinfo.flags = (allowDuplicates == E_ALLDUPLICATES) ? R_DUP : 0;
00122 dbinfo.compare = recCompare;
00123 if (FileSystem::canRead(m_dbFileName)
00124 && FileSystem::canWrite(m_dbFileName))
00125 {
00126 #ifdef OW_WIN32
00127 m_pDB = dbopen(m_dbFileName.c_str(), O_RDWR, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE,
00128 DB_BTREE, &dbinfo);
00129 #else
00130 m_pDB = dbopen(m_dbFileName.c_str(), O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR,
00131 DB_BTREE, &dbinfo);
00132 #endif
00133 if (m_pDB == NULL)
00134 {
00135 OW_THROW(IndexException, Format("Failed to open index file: %1, errno =%2(%3)", m_dbFileName, errno, strerror(errno)).c_str());
00136 }
00137 }
00138 else
00139 {
00140 #ifdef OW_WIN32
00141 m_pDB = dbopen(m_dbFileName.c_str(), O_TRUNC | O_RDWR | O_CREAT,
00142 _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE, DB_BTREE, &dbinfo);
00143 #else
00144 m_pDB = dbopen(m_dbFileName.c_str(), O_TRUNC | O_RDWR | O_CREAT,
00145 S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR, DB_BTREE, &dbinfo);
00146 #endif
00147 if (m_pDB == NULL)
00148 {
00149 OW_THROW(IndexException, Format("Failed to create index file: %1, errno =%2(%3)", m_dbFileName, errno, strerror(errno)).c_str());
00150 }
00151 }
00152 }
00154 void
00155 IndexImpl::reopen()
00156 {
00157 BTREEINFO dbinfo;
00158 close();
00159 ::memset(&dbinfo, 0, sizeof(dbinfo));
00160 dbinfo.compare = recCompare;
00161 #ifdef OW_WIN32
00162 m_pDB = dbopen(m_dbFileName.c_str(), O_RDWR, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE,
00163 DB_BTREE, &dbinfo);
00164 #else
00165 m_pDB = dbopen(m_dbFileName.c_str(), O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR,
00166 DB_BTREE, &dbinfo);
00167 #endif
00168 if (m_pDB == NULL)
00169 {
00170 String msg = "Failed to re-open index file: ";
00171 msg += m_dbFileName;
00172 OW_THROW(IndexException, msg.c_str());
00173 }
00174 }
00176 void
00177 IndexImpl::openIfClosed()
00178 {
00179 if (!m_pDB)
00180 {
00181 BTREEINFO dbinfo;
00182 ::memset(&dbinfo, 0, sizeof(dbinfo));
00183 dbinfo.compare = recCompare;
00184 #ifdef OW_WIN32
00185 m_pDB = dbopen(m_dbFileName.c_str(), O_RDWR, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE,
00186 DB_BTREE, &dbinfo);
00187 #else
00188 m_pDB = dbopen(m_dbFileName.c_str(), O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR,
00189 DB_BTREE, &dbinfo);
00190 #endif
00191 if (m_pDB == NULL)
00192 {
00193 String msg = "Failed to re-open index file: ";
00194 msg += m_dbFileName;
00195 OW_THROW(IndexException, msg.c_str());
00196 }
00197 }
00198 }
00200 void
00201 IndexImpl::close()
00202 {
00203 if (m_pDB != NULL)
00204 {
00205 m_pDB->close(m_pDB);
00206 m_pDB = NULL;
00207 }
00208 }
00210 void
00211 IndexImpl::flush()
00212 {
00213 if (m_pDB != NULL)
00214 {
00215 reopen();
00217 }
00218 }
00219 namespace
00220 {
00221 class OpenCloser
00222 {
00223 public:
00224 OpenCloser(IndexImpl* pIndex) : m_pIndex(pIndex)
00225 {
00226 m_pIndex->openIfClosed();
00227 }
00228 ~OpenCloser()
00229 {
00230 m_pIndex->close();
00231 }
00232 private:
00233 IndexImpl* m_pIndex;
00234 };
00235 }
00238 IndexEntry
00239 IndexImpl::find(const char* key)
00240 {
00241 openIfClosed();
00242 if (m_pDB == NULL)
00243 {
00244 OW_THROW(IndexException, "Index file hasn't been opened");
00245 }
00246 DBT theKey, theRec;
00247 theKey.data = const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const void*>(key));
00248 theKey.size = ::strlen(key)+1;
00249 if (m_pDB->seq(m_pDB, &theKey, &theRec, R_CURSOR) == 0)
00250 {
00251 if (!::strcmp(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(theKey.data), key))
00252 {
00253 Int32 tmp;
00254 memcpy(&tmp, theRec.data, sizeof(tmp));
00255 return IndexEntry(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(theKey.data), tmp);
00256 }
00257 }
00258 return IndexEntry();
00259 }
00261 bool
00262 IndexImpl::add(const char* key, Int32 offset)
00263 {
00264 OpenCloser oc(this);
00265 if (m_pDB == NULL)
00266 {
00267 OW_THROW(IndexException, "Index file hasn't been opened");
00268 }
00269 DBT theRec, theKey;
00270 theRec.data = &offset;
00271 theRec.size = sizeof(offset);
00272 theKey.data = const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const void*>(key));
00273 theKey.size = ::strlen(key)+1;
00274 return (m_pDB->put(m_pDB, &theKey, &theRec, 0) == 0);
00275 }
00277 bool
00278 IndexImpl::remove(const char* key, Int32 offset)
00279 {
00280 OpenCloser oc(this);
00281 if (m_pDB == NULL)
00282 {
00283 OW_THROW(IndexException, "Index file hasn't been opened");
00284 }
00285 DBT theKey;
00286 theKey.data = const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const void*>(key));
00287 theKey.size = ::strlen(key)+1;
00288 IndexEntry ientry = findFirst(key);
00289 while (ientry)
00290 {
00291 if (!ientry.key.equals(key))
00292 {
00293 break;
00294 }
00295 if (offset == -1L || ientry.offset == offset)
00296 {
00297 return (m_pDB->del(m_pDB, &theKey, R_CURSOR) == 0);
00298 }
00299 ientry = findNext();
00300 }
00301 return false;
00302 }
00304 bool
00305 IndexImpl::update(const char* key, Int32 newOffset)
00306 {
00307 OpenCloser oc(this);
00308 if (m_pDB == NULL)
00309 {
00310 OW_THROW(IndexException, "Index file hasn't been opened");
00311 }
00312 if (!find(key))
00313 {
00314 return false;
00315 }
00316 DBT theRec, theKey;
00317 theRec.data = &newOffset;
00318 theRec.size = sizeof(newOffset);
00319 theKey.data = const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const void*>(key));
00320 theKey.size = ::strlen(key)+1;
00321 return (m_pDB->put(m_pDB, &theKey, &theRec, R_CURSOR) == 0);
00322 }
00324 IndexEntry
00325 IndexImpl::findFirst(const char* key)
00326 {
00327 openIfClosed();
00328 if (m_pDB == NULL)
00329 {
00330 OW_THROW(IndexException, "Index file hasn't been opened");
00331 }
00332 DBT theRec, theKey;
00333 memset(&theKey, 0, sizeof(theKey));
00334 memset(&theRec, 0, sizeof(theRec));
00335 int op = R_FIRST;
00336 if (key != NULL)
00337 {
00338 op = R_CURSOR;
00339 theKey.data = const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const void*>(key));
00340 theKey.size = ::strlen(key)+1;
00341 }
00342 int cc = m_pDB->seq(m_pDB, &theKey, &theRec, op);
00343 if (cc == 0)
00344 {
00345 Int32 tmp;
00346 memcpy(&tmp, theRec.data, sizeof(tmp));
00347 return IndexEntry(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(theKey.data), tmp);
00348 }
00349 return IndexEntry();
00350 }
00352 IndexEntry
00353 IndexImpl::findNext()
00354 {
00355 openIfClosed();
00356 if (m_pDB == NULL)
00357 {
00358 OW_THROW(IndexException, "Index file hasn't been opened");
00359 }
00360 DBT theRec, theKey;
00361 if (m_pDB->seq(m_pDB, &theKey, &theRec, R_NEXT) == 0)
00362 {
00363 Int32 tmp;
00364 memcpy(&tmp, theRec.data, sizeof(tmp));
00365 return IndexEntry(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(theKey.data), tmp);
00366 }
00367 return IndexEntry();
00368 }
00370 IndexEntry
00371 IndexImpl::findPrev()
00372 {
00373 openIfClosed();
00374 if (m_pDB == NULL)
00375 {
00376 OW_THROW(IndexException, "Index file hasn't been opened");
00377 }
00378 DBT theRec, theKey;
00379 if (m_pDB->seq(m_pDB, &theKey, &theRec, R_PREV) == 0)
00380 {
00381 Int32 tmp;
00382 memcpy(&tmp, theRec.data, sizeof(tmp));
00383 return IndexEntry(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(theKey.data), tmp);
00384 }
00385 return IndexEntry();
00386 }
00388 }
00391 extern "C" {
00392 static int
00393 recCompare(const DBT* key1, const DBT* key2)
00394 {
00395 if (key1->data && key2->data)
00396 {
00397 return strcmp(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(key1->data),
00398 reinterpret_cast<const char*>(key2->data));
00399 }
00400 else if (key1->data && !key2->data)
00401 {
00402 return 1;
00403 }
00404 else if (!key1->data && key2->data)
00405 {
00406 return -1;
00407 }
00408 else
00409 {
00410 return 0;
00411 }
00412 }
00413 }